
The Fund Raising Committee

Fundraising at Dunvegan Primary School is carried out by an elected parent committee known as the “Fund Raising Committee”. The Committee involves interested parents and teachers who raise additional funds to improve the quality of our school. While School Fees pay for the general running of the School, funds raised by these people go on extras to the benefit of our pupils. Recent extras include the revamping of all ablution facilities for pupils, the South Wing Classroom block, computers in our computer centre. SMART Boards in all classrooms and the face brick perimeter wall around the school.

The Committee for 2022 are:

  • Chairperson:
  • Deputy Chairperson:
  • Secretary:
  • Head of Finance:
  • Committee:
ALL parents are welcome, as we are always looking for help and new ideas! The Committee are always very busy so we need as much help as possible. If any parents are able to assist, or make donations to help raise funds for the benefit of our school, please contact the Committee with your particulars, via the School’s Front Office or send them an E-Mail. They always need any sorts of prizes, from children right up to adults
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