School Prospectus



Dunvegan Primary School is a public school. We cater for boys & girls from Grade 1 to Grade7. Pupils are placed in classes of approximately 35 pupils.

The Governing Body of the school determines the criteria for admissions in accordance with the constitution of our Country. The language of instruction is English (offered on a home language level & assume that the pupils come to our school able to speak & understand that language). The first additional language is Afrikaans (offered on a second language level). The school offers classes ONLY from Grade 1 to Grade 7.


To ensure that every learner achieves their full potential at school and leaves our institution with knowledge, skills and qualifications that will give them the best chance of success in future endeavours.

To ensure quality learning and teaching take place in the classroom every day.
Dunvegan strives to build a community in which all are fully able to achieve to their potential using their unique talents and skills to achieve excellence.


The school has a staff of qualified teachers, supported by administrative workers, learnerships, a bursar and a maintenance team. All staff members fall under direct control of the Principal.

BURSAR: The bursar is the business manager of the school. All school administrative matters fall under his/her control, and queries about payment of fees, hiring of facilities and/or equipment, insurances, house-keeping, buying etc. must be referred to him/her.



The Governing Body is the controlling body of the school. Members are elected by the parents, teachers and non-educator staff of the school every third year. The School Governing Body governs the school as per the relevant legislations.

Each member of the Governing Body holds a specific portfolio. Parents with queries about the running of the school should contact the Secretary of the Governing Body (or check on the school website) to ascertain the name of the member responsible for that particular aspect. The responsible member will then deal with questions, or refer them to the full S.G.B.


Fund Rasing Committee

This committee deals with the fundraising and Public Relations of the school. Every parent is a member of this body, but an executive committee is elected at the start of the 1st term each year. The Fund Raising Committee is a vital part of school life and involvement in its activities are rewarding and enriching. Interested parents who are not elected at the first meeting of the year are always welcome to offer their services or attend meetings at any time during the year.


The annual school fees will be set at the AGM held in October/November each year.

  1. Dunvegan Primary School, in terms of Section 39 of South African Schools Act 84 of 1996, is entitled to charge school fees as established by the Governing Body.
  2. The school tuition fees for the following academic year will be set at the AGM.
  3. Unless specific application for exemption is made, in accordance with the South African Schools Act (Act N° 84 of 1996) and the Regulations setting out the National norms and standards for school funding (Government gazette N° 29311 dated 18 October 2006). It is deemed that the combined gross income of both the pupils parents is such that the full fee is payable.
  4. Exemption documentation and interview procedures will be established by the school governing body.
  5. Failure to meet ANY debit order or the settlement in full option will automatically result in the fees being applicable. ALL arrears including previously reduced fees become immediately payable.
  6. Payment options: Monthly manual payments (Incl. E.F.T) = Full Fee.

 Full Settlement (Due 31st January) Discounted fees = 7% discount.

 Debit order Discounted fees = 5% discount.

  1. Kindly note that the monthly Debit Order shall remain in place for each subsequent year thereafter that the child is at the school and cancellation thereof shall only be facilitated by the school on 3 calendar months’ notice.
  2. Kindly ensure that all the Exemption Documentation is filed at the school on or before the 28th February.
  3. Statements are emailed to parents monthly, to keep track of their payments etc. If the parents do not have an email address then the statements will be issued to the pupil to hand to the parent.
Banking Details
Parents wishing to pay full school fees by means of an Electronic Funds Transfer (E.F.T.) with Internet Banking, please note our banking details are:
Account Holder: Dunvegan Primary School
Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 51160458845
Branch Code: 201510 (Greenstone)
Reference: Pupil’s Name and Surname
Please email proof of payment to out accounts department. (Mrs Cindy Pather)


Debit Order forms will be sent home to all families. These need to be returned by the 30th November. Changes to debit order details require a new debit order form to be completed. This can be obtained from Mrs Cindy Pather.


The Governing Body appoints a financial sub-committee to control all funds collected in the name of the School. This committee draws up a detailed budget in October of each year which is then ratified by the Governing Body and presented at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the 4th Term. The finance committee, meets at least once a quarter to review the accounts and to consider other matters relating to the use of school funds.


The school carries public and professional liability insurance to cover expenses incurred as a result of personal accidents to pupils while at school or engaged in school activities, caused by any form of negligence on the part of the school. Comprehensive insurance is also carried to mitigate losses of the school assets, including grounds, buildings and equipment.


A private concern operates the tuck shop on the school premises where pupils may buy a wholesome snack each day at a reasonable price. The tuck shop operates from 7am, at both breaks and after school.


All pupils must wear the school uniform. Details are given under the school rules contained in this guide. It is optional to wear either summer or winter uniform in the months of APRIL and SEPTEMBER depending on the weather conditions at the time. Winter uniform must be worn from the 1st May to 31st August, and summer uniform from the 1st October to 31st March.


76 1st Avenue
Tel: 066 203 0531 ESQUIRES:

46 8th Avenue
Tel: 011 453 9008 / 9

Shop 1
11 Van Riebeeck Ave
31 8th Avenue
Tel: 011 453 8465

The school has a second-hand shop. The shop is open on the first Saturday of each month between 9am and 12pm. Email for queries.

The uniforms required are listed under school rules (13.3 – DRESS).


Please make sure you connect to D6 as any vital information is shared via this platform. You are required to download the app. For assistance contact the office on the email below
The school sends out a newsletter every second Thursday on D6. This is the main platform for communication. This newsletter is an essential means of communication, and parents are asked to ensure that they read the newsletters regularly. Short private advertisements are accepted for this newsletter at a nominal charge. Please enquire at the front office.
The school website,, contains valuable information pertaining to the school.
A school magazine is produced annually which gives some insight into the activities of the school and shows off some of the work done by pupils in the course of their studies.



Parents are welcome to request an interview, with any teacher on the staff. The best method is to email reception and request the interview to the teacher concerned. Teachers will endeavour to reply within 24 hours during the teaching week. Mentioning the reason for the request, & suggesting a time & date. Include a phone number, & the teacher will get back to you & arrange a mutually suitable time.

Should the issue concerned need to be escalated, contact the front office & the secretary will then arrange an interview. The content/reason for the interview must also be disclosed when making the appointment.

Parents may NOT “pop in” in the hope of seeing a teacher at the school.

Teachers MAY NOT interview parents during teaching time.

Email for reception is
Correct Procedure to follow for Channels of Communication:

1. Teacher
2. Grade Head
3. HOD
4. Deputy Principal
5. Department of Education


It is my right to work in a clean environment;
Therefore it is my responsibility to keep my work space and my school clean.
It is my right to work in a safe and peaceful environment;
Therefore it is my responsibility to keep my classroom and my school safe and peaceful.
It is my right to learn without disruption;
Therefore it is my responsibility to learn without disrupting others.
It is my right to be given a fair chance of success;
Therefore it is my responsibility to give others a fair chance to succeed in their studies.
It is my right to be a member of a good class and a good school;
Therefore it is my responsibility to build and maintain a good reputation for my class and my school.
It is my right to have my views, beliefs and religion respected;
Therefore it is my responsibility to respect the views, beliefs and religion for my class and my school peers.

I pledge myself to uphold the Credo of Dunvegan Primary School.
To honour the Code of Conduct, and to obey the school rules, so that this school is widely recognised as a place of quality learning.

Code of Conduct for pupils.

The following Code of Conduct is binding on all learners wanting to enrol at Dunvegan Primary School.

  1. Pupils must pursue their studies with dedication, honesty and diligence.
  2. Pupils must preserve and protect all school property entrusted to them.
  3. Pupils must attend school regularly and must attend all classes during the school day.
  4. Pupils must respect the dignity of all other pupils, staff and members of the public.
  5. Pupils must respect the religious beliefs of others.
  6. Pupils must not engage in any activity that may jeopardise the safety, security or academic progress of any other person.
  7. Pupils must know, obey and respect the school rules as contained in the school handbook and as published from time to time and displayed in all classrooms and in the Media Centre.
  8. Pupils must respect the Constitution and Laws of South Africa.
  9. Pupils shall obey all reasonable and lawful directions given by the Principal, Deputy Principal, HOD teachers, Administrative and ground staff of the school.
  10. Pupils will display no form of racial discrimination whatsoever.
  11. Pupils will display good sportsmanship when competing in sport.

Pupils are warned that serious breaches of the Code of Conduct MAY result in suspension and possible expulsion from the school.

Persistent breaking of the school rules will be regarded as a serious breach of the Code of Conduct.

Pupils suspected of breaking the Code of Conduct will be counselled and are entitled to a proper hearing, conducted in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Gauteng Department of Education.


All pupils must abide by the Code of Conduct & the following school rules, approved by the Governing Body of the school, & formulated for the safety & comfort of all people in the school.


All pupils must be inside the gates by 07:35 each school day when the first short bell rings, but for safety’s sake, should not be at school before 07:00 as this is when the gates will be opened. The school day commences promptly at 07:40 for all pupils. A letter will be issued if a leaner is not collected on time or is late for school on more than one occasion.

The School Timetable is as follows:

17:408:1030 min
28:108:4030 min
38:409:1030 min
49:109:4030 min
59:4010:1030 min
LUNCH10:1010:155 min
BREAK10:1510:3015 min
610:3011:0030 min
711:0011:3030 min
811:3012:0030 min
BREAK12:0012:1515 min
912:1512:4530 min
1012:4513:1530 min
1113:1513:4530 min 

Closing Times:




The school grounds are out of bounds to pupils outside of school hours, unless they are under the supervision of a teacher or other person authorised by the Principal. During school hours, pupils may not enter the following areas unless instructed to do so by a teacher.
  • All grass embankments.
  • Teacher’s car parking areas.
  • Tennis courts, netball courts, cleaner’s rooms, garage & pavilion.
  • Hall, stage, canteen, staffroom & admin area beyond enquiries window.
  • Areas south of the main school building (boiler room area).
  • Behind the south wing classroom block.
  • Incorrect or other grades bathrooms.


Pupils are expected to be neatly dressed in proper school uniform during school hours.


School summer dress*
White school socks. (not ankle socks or secret socks)
Black school shoes.

Winter tunic in school colour* OR grey school trousers.
Plain white long sleeve collared school shirt (fastening of the top button is optional).
Grey school socks – calf length with maroon bands OR knitted full length, grey stockings.
Black school shoes.

* Dresses must at least touch the top of the knee cap & a hem must be in the dress at all times. The dress must be worn with a belt.


Grey school shorts.
Plain white short sleeve open neck school shirt.
Grey school socks – calf length with maroon bands.
Black school shoes.

Grey school trousers.
Plain white long sleeve collared shirt (buttoned to the top).
School tie.
Belt – black or grey with a plain buckle.
Grey school socks – calf length with maroon band.
Black school shoes.

* White school shirt must be tucked into the school shorts or trousers at all times.

As a privilege, Grade 7 boys are permitted to wear the grey school trousers with a belt (as above), all year should they want to.

With all the above variations a school jersey, school tracksuit jacket or sleeveless jersey in school colours is also permissible.
Sleeveless jerseys may NOT be worn over long sleeve jerseys.

: Grey, black or maroon may be worn outdoors when it is raining.

DRY MACS are NOT part of the formal school uniform, the school does not have an official one.

PLEASE NOTE: The official school colour is called CHERRY, but maroon is also acceptable.
Should a child for religious and/or cultural reasons, need to contravene these rules pertaining to school uniform, they would need to produce written proof from their religious/cultural institution detailing why it is necessary before permission for exemption may be granted by the school.

All pupils must wear white boxer shorts and a Dunvegan maroon sports shirt or the official match kit. ALL persons using the tennis courts or netball fields must wear sports shoes with soft light coloured soles.

The maroon sports shirt may only be purchased at Dunvegan Primary School.

Pupils may wear the official school tracksuit during P.E. lessons. School tracksuit bottoms may not be worn without the correct tracksuit jacket.

All pupils if chosen to represent the school are required to wear the official match kit. Pupils will not be allowed to participate unless they have the correct attire on. If a cap is worn, it must be the official school cap which may be purchased from the front office.
The school tracksuit forms part of the uniform for sport and is required if the weather is too cold.
Grade 3 - 7 uniforms for the specific sports, (for practice and matches) are listed below:


Dunvegan maroon sports shirt and white boxer shorts or Match kit.
Grey school socks.
Maroon school cap.

Match shirt – short sleeve, white collared shirt.
White boxer shorts.
White long socks.
White takkies.
Maroon school cap.


Dunvegan maroon sports shirt and white boxer shorts or match kit.
Grey school socks.
Shin pads.
Soccer boots.

Dunvegan match kit.
Maroon Dunvegan soccer socks.
Shin pads.
Soccer boots.


Dunvegan maroon sports shirt and white boxer shorts or match kit.
White short school socks.
Takkies with light coloured soles.
Maroon school cap.


Dunvegan match kit.
White short school socks.
Takkies with light coloured soles.
A pinnie will be provided for matches by the school.



Dunvegan maroon sports shirt and white boxer shorts or match kit.
Socks – optional.
Takkies – optional.

Dunvegan match kit.
Socks – optional.
Takkies – optional.


Dunvegan maroon sports shirt and white boxer shorts or match kit.|
Shin pads.
Gum guard.

Dunvegan match kit.
Maroon Dunvegan hockey socks.
Shin pads.
Gum guard.
Takkies/astro boots.


Dunvegan maroon sports shirt and white boxer shorts or match kit.
White Socks.
White Takkies with light coloured soles.
Maroon School Cap.

Dunvegan match kit.
White socks.
White takkies with light coloured soles.
Maroon school cap.

Black swimming costume to be worn under match kit or tracksuit with slops.
Dunvegan swimming cap – can be purchased from the front office.

Grade 1 – 3 (Mini Sports) uniforms for the specific sports are listed below:


Mini Cricket/Soccer Hockey:

Dunvegan maroon sports shirt.
White boxer shorts.
Long grey school socks.
Maroon school cap – is encouraged.

Dunvegan match kit.
Long grey school socks.
White takkies.
Maroon school cap – is encouraged.

Mini Netball:

Dunvegan maroon sports shirt.
White boxer shorts.
Short white school socks.
Maroon school cap 

Dunvegan match kit.
Short white school socks.
Maroon school cap 

Mini Tennis:

Dunvegan maroon sports shirt.
White Boxer shorts
Grey school socks / white school socks
Takkies (without black soles)
Maroon school cap – is encouraged.

A school tracksuit is available at stockists. This is entirely an optional item and can be worn by pupils while participating in sport. The tracksuit top may be worn as part of the school uniform.


This must be kept neatly trimmed and groomed at all times so the pupil’s appearance is a credit to Dunvegan Primary School. No tints, dyes, colouring or bleaching are permitted. No pupils may have shaved stripes in their eyebrows.

Girls hair:

Girls hair should be tightly tied and in a style appropriate for school. Hair must be tied up with plain thin elastic hair bands. A thin plain alice band or clips are required for shoulder length hair or braids hanging in the face or to clip back loose bits of hair. Hair braids must look natural and match the natural hair colour. The length of any braids are to be no longer than the middle of the back. The bands or clips must be maroon, white or black in colour. Girls with short hair must ensure that it is cut and blended neatly. No different lengths of shaving or shaving of patterns in the hair is permitted. Gel may Not be worn. No elaborate hair styles, patterns nor accessories are permitted.

Boys hair:

Boys hair must be off the ears, face and collar, shaped according to the shape of their head. The fringe must not be able to touch the eyebrows. No boy may have different lengths of hair. Nor may they have shaved patterned designs or shaved stripes. No wax formulations, gel or mousse may be used. No dreadlocks, braids, cornrows or afros are allowed.
Should a child, for religious and/or cultural reasons, need to contravene these rules pertaining to hair, they would need to produce written proof from their religious/cultural institution detailing why it is necessary before permission for exemption may be granted by the school.

All children must adhere strictly to the School Rules regarding hair. Any child whose hair is not in accordance with the rules will be placed in a “time out” area at break time until the hair is corrected or is acceptable in terms of the School Rules


The wearing of jewellery by pupils is STRICTLY prohibited but for one piercing in the ear lobe. The following rules apply:
  1. Girls with pierced ears may wear one pair of plain gold or silver sleepers (8mm-12mm) or studs in the ear lobes.
  2. No clear studs may be worn in additional earring holes.
  3. No gems or diamantes in studs/sleepers are permitted.
  4. No other piercings are allowed.
  5. Medic alert necklaces or bracelets are allowed.
  6. Watches worn may not be Smart watches with access to the internet, Bluetooth or cellular connectivity.
Should a child, for religious and/or cultural reasons, need to contravene these rules pertaining to jewellery, they would need to produce written proof from their religious/cultural institution detailing why it is necessary before permission for exemption may be granted by the school.


1. No make - up is permitted on any pupil at any time. Permanent “tattooing” of make – up is also prohibited. This includes eyelash extensions.
2. No “tattooing” or body art, either temporary or permanent, is allowed.
3. Length of fingernails must not be seen over the fingertips.
4. No nail polish, gel etc is permitted on fingernails or toenails.
5. Colouring of the nails with kokis, highlighters or tippex is prohibited.

Children will be sent to the office to remove any of the above from their nails and/or a note will be sent home.

Should a child, for religious and/or cultural reasons need to contravene these rules pertaining to “Tattooing” or body art, they would need to produce written proof from their religious/cultural institution detailing why it is necessary before permission for exemption may be granted by the school.


Pupils are forbidden at all times to engage in the following activities:
  1. Theft – of any description.
  2. Being in possession of stolen item.
  3. The riding of bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller-skates or any other wheeled vehicle in the school grounds.
  4. The chewing of any form of gum.
  5. Running on the corridors or in the classroom.
  6. Selling/buying of any article unless sales have been organised by a teacher with the Principal’s permission.
  7. Use of any foul language.
  8. Writing on the bathroom walls or damaging the bathroom in any form
  9. Calling other pupil’s or people derogatory names or terms.
  10. Writing or passing of notes/letters.
  11. Bullying or fighting. Includes aggressor, instigator, spectator, or any other form of involvement.
  12. Throwing of stones or objects inside or outside of the classroom.
  14. Graffiti, including writing/drawing on desks, chairs or in schoolbooks.
  15. Shouting inside the school buildings.
  16. Bringing of toys, sporting cards and/or games to school UNLESS requested by a teacher for a specific lesson.
  17. Bringing onto the premises, cell phones and/or electronic items of any description.
  18. Rough games/activities likely to cause injury.
  19. Bringing on the premises any dangerous item, drugs, alcohol, illegal substances, pornographic literature/items or weapons. Only blunt nose scissors are permitted for use at school.
  20. Tampering with, deleting or altering any computer files or folders on school computers.
  21. Hugging, kissing or any similar physical contact between any genders while on school property and/or in school uniform.
  22. Forcing/making someone to do any forbidden activity.
  23. Destruction of school property, including making holes in tables.


Pupils are forbidden at all times to engage in the following activities:
  1. Pupils are not allowed in any classroom or school hall unless occupied by a teacher.
  2. All serious cuts and abrasions to the skin must be covered by a bandage or plaster strip.
  3. School bags must be a type which gives adequate protection to the schoolbooks. The school reserves the right to withhold text and library books from children whose bags do not conform to this requirement. Book bags must be used for readers and textbooks.
  4. Pupils may not be in possession of cell phones or electronic equipment during formal school hours. Such equipment will be confiscated and a parent/guardian will be required to personally collect the phone from the school Principal.

If a second incident of cell phone possession occurs, the phone will be confiscated for a period of not less than two weeks.

  1. Regulations for safety measures at public schools declare such schools drug free and dangerous objects free zones. The Principal has the power of Right of Admission to anyone on the premises and may institute with delegation, without warrant, searches of belongings/persons as deemed necessary.
  2. Pupils are expected to display behaviour that is a credit to Dunvegan Primary School when in uniform or representing the school at any function, event, tour, outing and/or going to and from school.



The following principles are applicable:

The child will be issued with a homework diary and this will contain their homework and any important information or letters on a daily basis. Parents need to check and sign this diary daily. If the pupil should lose the homework diary, a new homework diary can be purchased from the front office.

Junior homework – Grade 1 to Grade 3:

  1. ALL grade 1 – 3 pupils have a homework book. ALL homework is written in this book.
  2. All learners are required to have a homework folder.
  3. Homework is done Monday – Thursday.
  4. Reading, spelling, Mathematics and Afrikaans are done daily.
  5. Parents are requested to sign the reading marker daily and ensure that the homework book, reader, library book etc is always in the homework folder.

Senior homework – Grade 4 to Grade 7:

  1. Pupils in grade 4 – 7 receive regular homework or revision work.
  2. The amount of homework will vary from day to day.
  3. The homework will usually be a reinforcement of the classwork or completion of class activity.

If your child regularly says they have no homework, please contact the grade leader who will investigate the matter.

Please see our staff page on our website for the appropriate grade leader and send your concern to the email:

14.2 – Assessment of progress:

In grades 1 – 7, classwork is evaluated throughout the year. All efforts are recorded and incorporated into the final assessment. Pupils in grades 1 – 3 do not write formal examinations. All grades write formal assessments throughout the year. Pupils in grades 4 – 7 write controlled tests/exams in June and November.

Grade 1-7 assessment plans are sent home at the beginning of each term via D6.
Grade 4-7 assessment calendars are stuck in homework diaries at the beginning of each term.

Progress reports are issued once a term.


  1. The Education Act (84 of 1996) makes it compulsory for children of school going age to attend school on each day unless they are ill.
  2. The Principal does not have the authority to excuse any pupil from attending school.
  3. Pupils may be absent from school to take examinations conducted by CERTAIN schools of music, dance or ballet.
  5. If you have to fetch your child for an appointment, please inform the teacher and front office so that if there is a formal task to be done it can be rearranged. It also avoids constant disruption for classes by pupils being constantly called down.
  6. Casual absences are disruptive to the school programme and creates a casual attitude towards learning.
  7. CERTIFICATES OF MERIT are awarded to pupils who complete a full year without missing a day.
  8. A letter must be sent with the child after absences.
  9. If a learner is absent from school, the onus is on them to ensure that they have caught up the missing work.

Assessment of progress:

In grades 1 – 7, classwork is evaluated throughout the year. All efforts are recorded and incorporated into the final assessment. Pupils in grades 1 – 3 do not write formal examinations. All grades write formal assessments throughout the year. Pupils in grades 4 – 7 write controlled tests/exams in June and November.

Grade 1-7 assessment plans are sent home at the beginning of each term via D6.
Grade 4-7 assessment calendars are stuck in homework diaries at the beginning of each term.

Progress reports are issued once a term.

Extra-Curricular activities:

Children are encouraged to participate in the after-school activities. These vary according to seasons but include:

Choir                                      Netball                                              Mini-cricket

Chess                                     Soccer                                               Mini-hockey

Hockey                                 Swimming                                        Mini-netball

Music                                     Tennis                                                 Mini-soccer

Athletics                                Table tennis                                     Mini-tennis

Cricket                                   Cross Country                                 Eisteddfod

Drama                                   Marimba                                           Orff Music

Other activities may be introduced from time to time. A programme of activities is published and distributed to the pupils each term. All starting and finishing times can be found on this programme.

Safety at school:

  1. ALL visitors MUST report to the main gate on Sheila Street.
  2. No parent is allowed on the school premises unless for the following:
    1. An appointment has been scheduled with a member of staff.
    2. A function for which an invite has been given.
    3. To support their child in an extra-curricular activity.
  3. The secretaries will take messages for children if necessary and relevant but are not to be used as a message service as it takes up a lot of time to deliver messages.
  4. The above is in place to protect your child from potentially dangerous strangers.

Dunvegan security forum:

The surrounding suburb currently operates a section 21 company and access to the area is restricted. Entrance to the school area is at the corner of Francis Street and Lily Avenue or the North and South ends of Dunvegan Avenue. A one-way traffic flow operates in both Sheila Street and Park Street (downhill) at peak times (i.e. 07:00 – 08:00 and again from 13:00 – 14:00) whereby exiting the area is at Dunvegan Avenue.

Waiting class:

A waiting facility is available for junior pupils between12:45– 13:45 each day. If your child waits for a lift he/she must attend this “class”. Your child will be quiet, controlled and cared for and YOU WILL KNOW WHERE TO FIND HIM/HER. Children will exit out a gate that is communicated by their grade.


Positive involvement of parents in the activities of the school is welcomed.

Ways in which parents can play an active role include:

  1. Attending such meetings as may be called from time to time.
  2. Volunteering to serve on the “Fund Raising Committee” executive. Help is also needed at functions.
  3. Making themselves available for election to the Governing Body.
  4. Offering their professional services to the Governing Body where appropriate.
  5. Making written representation to the Governing Body on matters of general benefit to the school.
  6. Promote the school and its personnel in a positive manner – e.g. build up the teachers in front of your children – do not criticise them etc.
  7. Assist the school in enforcing all the school rules e.g. punctuality, uniform, behaviour, school attendance, care and respect the school property – e.g. school ablution facilities.
  8. Observe the correct channels of communication e.g. speak to the class teacher first, then if need be the grade leader, following that the head of department, deputy etc.
  9. Keep the school well informed of matters that could affect your child’s performance at school – e.g. reason for absence, problems at home etc.
  10. Inform the school secretary of any changes of address, phone numbers and name/status etc. Emails can be sent to:
  11. Pay all school fees promptly.
  12. Assist your child in taking part in extra-curricular activities, especially the compulsory ones like sports day etc.
  13. Ensure that your child is adequately equipped for the activity he/she is involved in e.g. tennis racket, correct shoes, correct attire etc.
  14. Ensure that the suitable transport arrangements are made for your child to be fetched promptly after each school day and activity.
  15. Not to coach from the side or interfere with referee decisions during sports practises, matches or meetings.
  16. Ensure that your child has an approved – type suitcase to avoid damage to school books and textbooks.
  17. Ensure that all articles and items of uniform, are clearly marked on the inside with your child’s name and surname.
  18. Supervise your child’s homework and sign the diary daily.
  19. Observe the traffic regulations around the school property and adhere to the requirements set by the school scholar patrol.
  20. Attend parent’s evenings.
  21. Provide your child with a loving, caring well-disciplined home environment.
  22. Allow your child to become independent and responsible – e.g. DO NOT bring their “forgotten” items to the front office.
  23. Sign an indemnity form for any outside tours.
  24. Have medical insurance.
  25. Ensure that your child has a well-balanced diet and good eating habits to enable him/her to work to their best ability.
  26. It is important to ensure that all postings about the school, on any social media platform, is positive to keep the name of the school high. Should you have any concerns or issues that need to be addressed, please contact the school directly and refrain from making your unhappiness publicly known.
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